
At your computer, somewhere on the planet. Welcome to Balkingpoints!

Tell us which nation you saw the turning globe from, using the form below;

483 thoughts on “Guestbook

  1. Ghost Wheel / USA says:

    The site has an interesting feel to it. I’ll be interested to see how it develops; perhaps even register as Balker myself.

  2. jsbar/ USA says:

    Impressive site!

    Are you seeking Balkers for intelligent political discourse or down and dirty, scorched earth blogging?

  3. FranklinS/USA says:

    Greetings from the “greatest purveyor of violence in the world.”
    Here’s hoping this site and others like it help to serve as a catalyst for positive change.

  4. Kathryn/ USA says:

    Beautiful Site…and great concept! I came here from a Washington Post comment posting.

    Will be back.

  5. debbie, USA says:

    Not much of a writer, but am an information junkie. This has great potential. Love the idea and the thought that as people, we are more alike then different. Love that.

  6. Sammy from Sicily says:

    Through communication, dialogue, and diplomacy, enemies will become good friends, let us all work on this, and promote peace and friendship among all people of this planet.

  7. James/Amerika says:

    Obama is an ever bigger idiot than Bush! Bush kept the terrorists away, Obama invites them in. We are most likely doomed! Cool sight, though!

  8. David from Niagara Falls Canada says:

    Have book-marked the site. Great potential for some interesting dialogue. Sad to say though that the people we want to complain about, will not be watching this site. The things we would like to see changed will not happen because of “Political Correctness” All societies are governed by people working their own agendas for themselves rather than for the good of ALL society.

  9. Petey from Puerto Rico says:

    Nice site. Hopefully it brings in people of intelligence and not just opinions.

  10. baldeagle France says:

    Balkingpoints, wot a good idea, I hope that the site becomes a reference point for internet debates!

  11. big daddy calvin says:

    I`m from Denver colorado U.S.A.




  12. 004/009/2009 says:


  13. Benjie from Manila, Philippines says:

    good morning, am interested in the site, saw it referred in the comments of news site, i’ll balk soon!

  14. Darwin / USA says:

    The world’s sole super power does not decide its own foreign policy. Think that’s rather important? So do I.

  15. I Say -- S.E. Coast, USA says:

    A great site. Indeed I’ll bookmark it and shall return when I have something to say, progressive in nature of course!

  16. IBDaChief, Boise, ID, USA says:

    I just found this site. Need to explore it a little more. It seems to have potential.

  17. IBDaChief says:

    Question for Roy G. How do I just find the most recently updated Balk or most recent Balkback?

    I think this site has fantastic potential!

  18. MERCYFOUND says:

    Nice site. It looks like we can communicate real thoughts…. but beware of government reprisals.
    The governments of the world are not your friend.

  19. steve/USA says:

    Found your address in an npr article comment section.
    Looks to be a worthy tool for the educating of the masses without the restrictive policies of the powers that be to muck things up. Good luck to you and all those who yearn for solutions without profit margins and society without ruler inflicted chaos.

  20. randrew654 says:

    Excellent perspective…from the outside looking in. HOWDY and thanks from TEXAS, USA.

  21. odhslh/Spring Lake, MI says:

    Interesting site. Will check back often. Also saw the site referenced in the blog at a NPR article.

  22. Jenn Australia says:

    Our two year old daughter was once asked at a party, where do you live little girl. Her response was the world. The gentleman was surprised, and responded, yes, yes but where is home? She looked at her Pappa puzzled with this person’s response and said earth! 🙂 From the mouth of a baby.

  23. faultroy/Milwaukee WI says:

    Picked up your site by someone posting at Hope you will be wiser than the “editors” at Alternet that seem to delight in their ability to “censor,” their poor readers’ delicate constitutions.
    Regardless of what one’s beliefs are, censorship should not be an acceptable form of social constraints–all it does is show the Censor’s ignorance and bigotry.
    Congratulations on an enlightened beginning. My compliments on both your insight and objectives.

  24. SMartin says:

    Los Angeles…found a mention of this in a comment that someone had made on the Washington Post website. Glad they did!

  25. Waldo Orlando, FL/USA says:

    I really am looking forward to some intelligent discussions. I got the site from Topix, were all the ranters rant.

  26. johnny hempseed/Corporate States of Amerika says:

    Good luck with your site Roy.It has a nice user friendly format,I like the large print comment section.Was referred by a commentor on Alternet. peace

  27. Marilyn/USA/TX/Burnet says:

    Another reason I am happy to live at this particular time in history! Thanks for this site.

  28. US says:

    I’m brand new to your site, saw your comment about G. Bush and that immediately turned me off, about you and your site. Your political views are of no interest to me. I won’t be back.

  29. Frank in St. Catharines Ont. says:

    Stumbled on the site and have passed it on to family and friends. Looks interesting.

  30. Helen S-K/Auburn, WA says:

    Like the concept, the map and your intent. Hope it does become an international forum and, as was mentioned above, is used in a positive manner; as I think that is the intent.

  31. Antonella Bassi/CA-USA says:

    interesting site:) recommended by blog comment on AlterNet; will recommend as well

  32. Vesa Auvinen/Finland says:

    Hello everyone and greetings from Finland – I’m finnish, european and a world citizen – let’s take care of our digital and physical planet 🙂

  33. Meg / Ottawa, Canada says:

    Hello BalkLand, Love that turning Earth – it looks so peaceful from Space. Ah, well. Was sent this link by a friend, will send it on to others and check back regularly. Thanks for a great idea and a nice place to visit. (Didn’t have any music, btw)

  34. USA says:

    Well, I live in Texas… that still counts as the USA, doesn’t it?

    Hey – this is awesome. Plan to return in the near future to balk with you.


  35. Chris in Oregon, USA says:

    What a beautiful planet!!!! I wonder if you can do a shift from night to day? Great job!

  36. rich/usa says:

    This site was interesting till I read the piece from Roy praising Obama and of course bashing Bush. I will not revisit this left wing liberal site.

  37. Marc , Toronto says:

    Thanks whoever posted this at CBC. Very nice map, and forward looking kind of site concept.

    Have added to my bookmarks!

  38. Kangas - California says:

    We now must replace all those lights with solar powered houses, so we can stop burning coal.

    Building solar BERM housing is the key to the future.

  39. stillahippie says:

    stillahippie From Washington NW US
    the world must stop global warming and and climate change

  40. Pat/USA says:

    Rich/USA: (12 July 2009) Instead of criticizing Roy’s post, use the forum as it was intended: post your balk! Burying your head in the sand and saying you will never visit the site again is the kind of attitude that has gotten us where we are today!!

    Thanks for the great site idea. Will return often.

  41. Dale Jopko /U.S.A. says:

    Hey there Everyone, Tampa, Florida checking in the House! Very Cool Site to visit, goes to show you that with the techniology these days anything can be done

  42. JoeyG / USA says:

    Very nice site… found out about it in a 7/18/09 post on the …

    Best Wishes From
    Cape Coral, in beautiful Southwest Florida

  43. Gill says:

    Hello everyone, I’ve enjoyed this site very much. It’s truly wonderful to be able to view our beautiful planet this way !!.

    With love & light from North Devon England

  44. KJ / USA says:

    Viewing your site from the Music City, USA ~ Nashville ~ Very nice view of Earth, lots of fun … Thanks!

  45. RB / USA says:

    Interesting site as seen from East Lyme, Connecticut. (home of Lyme Disease)GO TICKS GO!!!!!!!!!

  46. Squonk/Florida/USA says:

    Rather than showing your arse right from the get go, why not remain apolitical and refrain from the left wing bravado? That being said, nice graphics but the political undertones are a turn off.

    Good luck and adios.

  47. Walter, Canada says:

    I don’t think you’re getting it Squonk. What parts of the world did you think supported Bush? Some may not want it told like it is 🙂

  48. HomeBuilding USA says:

    Thanks, Roy, for the invitation to your worldwide forum.

    “Eight years of incompetence and corruption” seems to be an accurate enough depiction of what we’ve been through.

    Though a confirmed capitalist, myself, the unbridled greed that we’ve been through, along with it’s politically corrupting influences were in place in the 1920s, as well. Western democracies have room for alternative views–and now we shall have some.

    The “if you aren’t with me, you are against me” nonsense can just take a very long and very well deserved rest. God has lots of children (many are foreign to me) and as far as I can tell–they all have a right to be here……and those not familiar with a qwerty keyboard and English sure do seem to be moving my way.

    WELCOME ! ! (to you all from the heartland of America) !

    One last thing: Do any of you know about Tommy Douglas? (That Baptist minister who was voted by his countrymen/women as THE GREATEST CANADIAN OF ALL TIME?) Well, it wasn’t for his preaching, orator though he was. It was for his leadership in establishing universal(one-payer) Medicare.

  49. RK Halley Midwest USA says:

    Great site. Plan to visit to see the posts on health, health care from around the world! Anyone in from Bulgaria, or Russia?

  50. Penny/USA says:

    I think that a World Wide Site is Wonderful. I hope to finally get to ask people questions from other countries.

  51. Jurgen / CANADA says:

    It is time to realize that today’s world’s financial ruin is a direct result of years of greedy speculators MANIPULATING the market in order to make a fast profit no matter what the result is.
    We must all lobby our governments to halt and make illegal, the trading/betting / hedging, of all NECESSARY FOR LIFE GOODS .
    (such as FOODS , POWER, FUELS, and MONEY )
    This is the ONLY way that these goods would gradually float to regain their TRUE money values in our society and not get artificially bloated as a result of frantic betting / speculating by the money scabs of our world .
    They have just ruined millions of lives by betting / hedging the cost of oil up to $ 160 per barrel . They quickly made billions of dollars each day as long as they could and after destroying the market, oil mysteriously went back to a SUSTAINABLE $45 – $60 !
    If it was not allowed to speculate on LIFE ESSENTIAL GOODS , this would NOT have happened for sure !!!
    What is next ???? Oil was such a success for them ,so why not do it again ??? maybe include natural gas and foods this time ????

    The world market can not sustain an other
    man made financial disaster !!!!

  52. United States says:

    Mike Walker (MikeW67)
    Thank you for the invitation to use this site. I very well like so far what I have seen here. I am sure you will be seeing my input on your sites in the future.
    signed: NPR Bloger (goodoleboy)

  53. AskWhy in USA says:

    I awakened from my induced comatose sleepwalk several years ago. It all began when I became upset at wondering where a certain technology was. Knowing full well, and proven correct that the human race was capable, and yet it was literally crushed. I didn’t know it at the time but I had began a world view life altering journey where I often found myself saying ‘how much more could there be?’. As painful as this roller coaster ride has been I have determined one very important thing. All of the earths peoples are very much like one another. It is the governments that either allow or commit injustices from horrendous crimes against humanity to small corrupted infractions. The people of the earth have had little say and when a leader rises above and dedicates themselves to their citizens they are given an intimate meeting with a bullet.

    I have one suggestion. You may want to consider leaving out the personal party preferences in your opening pages. It would be sad to see such a beautiful idea become just another form of division. Leave the personal opinions to the balkers.

    Other than that I beleive it’s true love <3

  54. Bill Adkins says:

    CAught a reference to the site on a newspaper comment section. The Courier Journal. “MikeW67 wrote:

    It’s morally wrong to leave 100 million Americans un or underinsured, 1 illness away from financial ruin. And it’s wrong to burden small business with the outrageous insurance costs also — found a cool site; Balkingpoints ; incredible satellite view of earth”

    Thought I’d visit and glad I did.

  55. Ginger/USA says:

    A person was commenting on a Denver Post article about health care and about the future shortage of doctors. He said: “It’s morally wrong to leave 100 million Americans un or underinsured, 1 illness away from financial ruin. And it’s wrong to burden small business with the outrageous insurance costs also — saw a cool site; Balkingpoints ; awesome satellite view of earth
    walt R
    Joined: Oct 10”
    so I had to visit the site to see the awesome view of the earth!

  56. Starling / US says:

    Hello, admin(s), balkers, friends, Romans, countrymen…

    I am excited to be here. I was invited here a while back from a fellow poster at, where I am called “Ear Rational”.

    I finally sat down tonight with an attention span greater than the 1200 or so words allowed in responses over there. I hope what I write will be engaging!

  57. ed/ U.S.A. says:

    Like this site, but where does the funding come from?

    My paranoia fears the worst..

    I saw a comment by a poster at the Tennessean newspaper. I was lured by the promise of a beautiful satelite pic of earth. I was not misled.

  58. Bud/USA says:

    In a blog repsonding to a Tribune article on a forclourse annoucemnet for the Block 37 development in downtown chicago… still don’t know why the mention was there but glad it led me to the site…

  59. USA says:

    Saw the site in a newspaper comment section – “Tennessean”- Oct. 20. Interesting website. I’ll be checking back!

  60. Loy27 says:

    Among other things, that implies reducing subsidies that directly or indirectly increase energy use, land clearance, coastal development, and other activities that contribute to greater greenhouse gas emissions or climate change damages. ,

  61. Pio Chun/South Korea says:

    What a great site to encourage people to have a world wide view and speak for themselves.

    I appreciate the precious efforts of concerned persons.

  62. Mark Jeffries, United States of America says:

    We all live on the same fragile marble, our countries leaders “mine included”, need to stop this “King of the hill” mentality, very very childish to say the least.

    I personally would like to sit down with these world powers, and give them a piece of my mind!, not that it would do any good though, because all they are concerned about is world power and the mighty $$$$.

    So much waste and crime here in the USA, I am ashamed! When will it stop?

    I would say that most all people on this planet just want food on their plates, a place to live that they can call their own, a job that will keep the family together, is this really asking too much?

    But as we all know, big government and the almighty dollar keeps this from being reality,,,,always has,,,probably always will.

    Peace and good hope to all,

    Mark Jeffries.

  63. ROBERT "ROBIN" ARMOUR - US says:

    The view makes it easy to see where I’ll buy my next ranch, and that will be soon. Very soon.

    Robin, USAFR Retired (Command (jet) Pilot)
    Southwestern U.S.

  64. Larry / USA says:

    Money or profit is not the problem. It is the love of money or profit at the cost of morals or doing what is right is the problem!

  65. Mark Jeffries, United States of America says:

    So, do me a favor and close your eyes. Now, think about where you are at this moment. Next, look at yourself from a third person perspective. Now, pull way back. High above you, into space, outside our solar system, leaving the Milky Way. Look into the infinite depths of the universe and think about this: What are we really doing down there? How have we become so busy working towards certain goals? Why do we really have goals in the first place? When did we become infatuated with success? What are we all really working towards? And ultimately, what is the point? I catch myself thinking about how small we really are and in turn, question why we as humans have such complex brains. Brains that create beautiful works of art, moving music and splendid literature. Brains capable of abstract reasoning, language, introspection, and problem solving. Did a god really create us? If so, what does said god want from us? What is the big plan? Or are we merely another stage in evolution and over the course of billions of years we will have evolved into another form of genus homo? Why do you think we exist and what do you think you were placed on this planet to do?

  66. Florida, United States says:

    Hi everyone in world. I’d like to go on a camel caravan in the desert with the Bedouin people and learn to work with camels. I ride horses, and greatly admire the Arabian horse. I’d like to ride a pony across Mongolia. Are men basically responsible for wars? I can’t decide. Love you all.

  67. pat from calgary says:

    impressive and so fragile!! world leaders should spend some time looking at it and reflect ( whishfull thinking )

  68. Mark Jeffries, United States of America says:

    Hey everybody, it’s really cold here in Indianapolis Indiana right now. Can’t wait till May rolls around, the Indianapolis 500 is really gonna be cool this year! How many of you from other countries have come over here and watched it in person?

    P.S.,,,,how bout’ those Colts, super bowl bound baby!!!!

  69. Dillard Jenkins USA says:

    Hello world. Please turn off some of the lights. We are running out of fuels to keep them on all night. Also, could you slow down on the baby making a little bit? We are approaching 7 billion of us and it’s getting a bit crowded down here. I know we all love sex, but geeeze, we have birth control now.

  70. Donna R.N. / California, USA says:

    Hi Everyone,
    Cool website – I love your idea, getting ppl to converse with one-another…. and the turning lights are beautiful.
    I found this site via the NPR (National Public Radio) website.
    Thank You!

  71. Chris USA says:

    Re: Copenhagen I hope we can give the world more hope; we need to give it time to grow. The global economy sucks right now, when things improve, hopefully more countries will sign on for this.

  72. Dillard Jenkins USA says:

    It is impossible for nightime to exist over the entire earth at the same time. Yet that’s what appears in the view on the main page. So, this can not possibly be a satellite image unless it is a composite.

  73. U.S. of America says:

    Wonderful and very peaceful-especially tonight on Christmas Eve. Thank-you!
    Came to me in my Yahoo mail.

  74. Gene USA says:

    Whow, pretty neat stuff, maybe your site can bring peoples from all over the world together for some solidarity ??!!!

  75. Patrick/USA says:

    Where did all the Global Warming go??? Wyoming was literally colder than the South Pole yesterday.

  76. Tony / Birmingham England says:

    Greetings world from Fffffreeeeezing UK.
    Global warming is the result of changing and cyclical oceanic patterns – we are now entering (in this part of the world) a cooling period expected to last for the next two or three decades.
    Great site.

  77. Richard/Matlock/UK says:

    Wow – just found your site from a mention in a news report – amazing!

    One small request – can we please have a netbook resolution option in the menu ? Ideally at 1024×600 pixels – it would help with reading some of the posts as the layout is a bit skewed when reading on a 10inch netbook screen with the current lcd option. Many thanks and good luck with your site.

  78. Pat Morin / Canada says:

    Hello from Toronto Richard! Glad you found Balkingpoints. Check the display information page (linked on the About page). It has some information about your question.

  79. Patrick USA says:

    Interesting site – a lot of articulate, well formed ideas bandied about here. It is heartening to see civil discourse on the internet where one often finds hysteric ideologues screaming and insulting others in cyberspace.

  80. Henry S Maxfield says:

    Thogh primarily a novelist, I have two main interests – the Law (US) and US politics particularly foreign policy. I have written, and published Letters to the Editor – Widely read and for the most part well received.I write with the perserctive of age (86)common sense, from an active varied experience. I am a registered Independent, free of religious doctrine.
    Link to for bio and my published work.

  81. J. Kirby Montana USA says:

    Excellent site – I just returned to Montana from Antarctica where it’s warmer than here. Perhaps we do have global warming; in some spots; but it is colder in other spots. Could it simply be that the earth has its own cycle which it will carry out just because it is what it is?

  82. Heather Stuart/Barbados says:

    Sai Ram
    Love All, Serve All, Hurt Never, Help Ever, we can heal the world. I send the world Love.

  83. Bill/saw the world from Colorado in the United States says:

    It is indeed a small world with very few places that are truly open and free spaces.

  84. Ray Coatsworth / Canada says:

    Balking is a bold stroke for a united world of the common person, who can submit the true feelings of the common person. This provides a means for the commoner to share ideas with other commoners around the world,and get a proper prespective of what is really going on.

  85. everhart/illinois/usa says:

    best wishes for all on our planet. i wish i were someplace without so many lights.

  86. Michael, Canada says:

    Hey, it’s true: on a clear day you *can* see forever. Awesome! Gotta tell my friends to check it out.

  87. Patrick/Florida - USA says:

    In spite of all the ugliness going on at the surface level of the world today, check out the space shot of our world at – from up above, we do indeed live on one Beautiful Blue Marble!

  88. final/usa says:

    the stage is getting set.
    the anxiety is building for him
    to come an bring a false peace for all

  89. gorm / Australia says:

    Hello everybody from Australia !
    Just learned about this site and really like what I see. Especially, the “how does the world see America?” has caught my attention. My work keeps me travelling to various parts of the world, meeting many people from all walks of life and after a day`s work is done, one sits together over dinner or a beer and discusses popular topics such as international policies & relations. US is naturally of great interest to just about everybody I`ve talked to. I welcome the chance for a civilized discussion, other than the one in varoius media sites, where people appear to mainly abuse each other over difference of opinion.
    Keep up the good work !

  90. kev. united states of america says:

    Found out about this while reading a recent annomous review of current oil
    exploration/political impact.

  91. countryless says:

    I was once raised and fostered by this once Great nation but as I grewup exposed to this nations ALL, being its social morals as well as its unattended ills, I slowly and somewhat unconscious began to be conditioneded by BOTH of those social elements. As my dreams/goals were attempting to structure themselves morally the ILLS wiped away by the then unattended to social ILLS of this country into the path of selfdestruction.

  92. Canada says:

    We should learn to see and understand all things from a global perspective.
    Thanks for the great site….!
    Gord in Canada

  93. usa says:

    Isn’t it sad that the beautiful view from space of the night sky on earth is so bright… we use way too much electricity/light to ward off what? I’d love to see more of the night sky…without the mosquitoes of course.

  94. The Peoples says:

    Experienced Peoples are in opinion that Bangladesh can not face the track of advancement of Science and Technology like other Asian Countries nearby Bangladesh

    Even Bangladesh will not be able to dream the face of digital world with existing colonial laws and legal system.

  95. U. S. A. says:

    Hej Lars #345. Va deil of Finland e du från?
    Ja e från Terjärv, Hessback byi.
    Live near San Diego now.
    I Nedervetil sair di et i e kolkot when something is not right. It is very “kolkot” here in the U. S. now.

  96. Taylor/USA says:

    Greetings from Texas,

    Hope we all prosper and live everyday as it could be your last.

  97. Karen / USA says:

    Greetings! Thank you, Roy, for beginning an intelligent forum for the masses. So many wrongs to be righted. This is a huge step in learning from each other. Awesome site!!

  98. Berig Vintrange / USA says:

    from Rochester, N.Y.
    male Christian living happily car-free in Rochester, N.Y.

    BALKERS looks promising as an international forum,

  99. Norman A. Hill, Jr.-- Philippines says:

    That is a awesome display of our
    Home.I wonder what it will look like a month from now,from the oil
    crap on the US coast a month from now. I’m a California retiree living in the Philippines.


  100. OzarkianNTJ/USA says:

    Would have loved to post on this most wonderful site. But in registering I have gotten a password that is invalid no matter how I try. And I can not get another one. So I will just read and hope for wisdom to prevail. May you and your’s be well.

  101. USA / Jeff says:

    Welcome Ozarkian; just find Roy’s email on the site’s About page if you need a password reset. He’ll send it back manually if needed.

  102. Denis in France but English says:

    Not an Englishman in New York but in the sunny South of France. Good luck with this great new idea for a blog!

  103. an Sionnach - Ireland / Spain says:


    Just found the site from a comment on an ‘Independent on Sunday’ article.

    Great idea and Roy, I wish you well. You will need to push the boat out a little more to become better known. Everyone of course can help in that area by spreading the word.

    Best of luck with this worthwhile goal.

  104. Peter Fernandez USA says:

    I am celebrating the World Cup. I hope that we can all celebrate this as an international event based on competition and civility, rather than nationalism. Enjoy the sport!

  105. henry/usa says:

    there about to load us down with taxes shortly.well be taxed for the work health ins that our jobs provide thats about an extra $20,000 a year for me in taxable income

  106. matt.. usa says:

    im from maryland…usa and i honestly see no positive outcome of this oil crisis.. theres so many bad things that have happened, happening and will continue to happen with the economy and this fiasco that was discovered before it could be completely covered up. this could be political terrorism once again.hows a building designed to not fall down, fall down.. and now an oil tanker designed to not rupture, break? im upset at everything and honestly am starting to fear for my life and the future. because its getting harder and harder than i ever imagined, and i havent done anything wrong.

  107. Karm Grants Pass Oregon says:

    Thank you to the creator of this web site and to all the bright and shiny spirits responding. We are the world, and what you feel and say matters. We will all be watching and waiting for good things to come. Keep the faith.

  108. Bradsteraz says:

    Read the comment on the new regime…how is that working for you? “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal.” …riiighttt

  109. Robert USA says:

    It is nice to read some intelligent, well thought discourse without all of the partisan bickering of the mainstream sites.

    I will probably never post here but I certainly will read with interest. Peace All

  110. india says:

    I never give any comments in any site but its look b/p is different of all, it give a new thougth to join worldwide as a family member of this planet hope I have b/p to explore my ideas on every field of life nature politics .

  111. Pat Morin / Canada says:

    Glad you found this site, india. Roy’s idea in starting was exactly what you said. A blog site for average people on the earth to talk directly to each other. There isn’t any reason not to in this age of the internet.

    We think many unknowns and mistrusts will be broken down by talking, and things to be learned about others around the world, and that’s positive for getting along in peace!

  112. BJL /USA says:

    Hello world!

    Nice to see a fellow Cincinnatian do something honorable that I can be proud of! I left Cincy in 1991 and now living in Las Vegas, Nevada. I sometimes wonder if my home state has lost its mind.. same could be said for Nevada lately (Sharron Angle) and sadly our national politics down to the intrusive police state of body scanning at the airport. Where will we end up? I’m depressed at the state of our country, to say the least.

  113. Thailand says:

    World should look at Thailand political movement carefully. People in the nation desperately needed help! Current situation is not good especially after Raid of encampment of Red Shirt protesters where 91 killed and over 2000 people injured. Government keep oppressed people continuously.

  114. Thailand says:

    Thailand had discovered gruesome babies’ remained inside Temple of over 2000. Human Right Watch should review the matters!

  115. Pat Morin / Canada says:

    Hello Thailand, welcome. You can also write an article on Balkingpoints (known as a ‘Balk’), on Thailand protesters or any other topic of world importance. Click on the ‘Add Your Balk’ link at the top edge of this page to start it.

  116. Thailand says:

    Thailand Supreme Court judges acquitted Democrat, reason is that case was submitted 15 days late. Not because of wrong doing! Another case against Democrat party is up and it was submitted 30 days late…why? Would it be the same ruling as well? Since video clips of judges negotiating being air on youtube…

    4 members of red shirts got arrested in the North are hospitalize, doctors claims their mental has been damaged, Why? and How?

  117. Rpzceaal; Taiwan says:

    During the construction in 1997, the water level in some of the lakes above the tunnel, including Lutvann and Nordre Puttjern, fell dramatically.

  118. Canada says:

    Smart. This is a very good idea and I only hope it grows. I will consider contributing as soon when I have something worthwhile to present. Until then, I’ll wade through the articles as written and reply only when warranted. Thanks for making this possible.

  119. Russian Federation says:


    The Portuguese wanted to turn this population out of this activity and reclaim the saltpans, primarily for agriculture to meet ever-increasing food requirements.

  120. Berlin, Germany says:

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  121. Royal Palm Hotel Miami says:

    This is my first comment here on this web page and I just wanted to say that I really enjoy the site and I visit it everyday.

  122. Mike ; Germany says:

    Just saying hello, hope this was the right section and that I will enjoy it here


  123. Eduardo; USA says:

    Hola from USA close to the border with Mexico. I’m a rookie here on this website and looking forward to give my point of view of things from this troubled corner of this magcificent globe called earth. More importantly, to learn anything and everything I can from all my brothers and sisters from around OUR world.

  124. Oklahoma, USA says:

    Just sitting here in the middle of the US wondering what’s going on everywhere else. There are so many places I will not get to visit in the limited time I have left on Earth, that this website will help me “visit” these places, I have no doubt.

  125. Saint Petersburg, Russia says:

    A five inch man was building his house. He decides to build it from
    bricks. So he figures he’ll need 24 bricks to build his house. He goes
    to the store and finds he can only buy them by the dozen! So he buys
    two dozen Bricks. When he’s done he doesn’t know what to do with the
    last brick! So he thinks and thinks. Then one day, years later, he
    gets a brilliant idea: SO he takes the brick to the front of his house
    and Hurls it up in to the air as hard as he can!!!!!! LOL

  126. Oklahoma, USA says:

    I must be dense. I don’t get the brick “joke”. Will someone explain it to me?

  127. Los Angeles says:

    The NFL season is finally upon us! I’m ready to see some explosive hits and well drawn plays. My most liked part of the NFL is that you never know who is going to be victorious.

  128. Israel says:

    Very nice post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wished to say that I’ve really enjoyed browsing your blog posts.

  129. Tel Aviv says:

    I really like what you have acquired here, certainly like what you are stating and the way in which you say it. This is really a great site.

  130. D C Shukla INDIA says:

    The people of intire world want peace, we should come together to know each other, the ultimate aim of life is to get peace. No Government, King or any head of country can make fool to it’s countrymen. Now in the present time we the people of this planet require such International court of law, which can fight for the survival of the human being.

  131. Eladia Russo says:

    Some genuinely excellent information, Glad I observed this. “The language of friendship is not words but meanings.” by Henry David Thoreau.

  132. ch yaseen gujjar/pakistan says:

    i want to create a group of people around the world to make peace and find the way for fair business group.

    all r invited.

    have a nice day/night

  133. kevin United States of America says:

    Peace to all of you and let us teach our youth about compassion for the sake of all our children and their grandchildren.

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  137. Alaie says:

    Hello everybody!

    how are you? hope everybody is fine,this is S. Fawad Alaie from Herat city of Afghanistan. I have just found this webesite, I think, it is very interesting webesite, it is good to talk about global issues on this web.

    I am at work today and will carry out my office work.

    best regards,


  138. Richard Kyoto says:

    Very nice site. A great place to intelligently sound off on international problems, or at least opine on things. Thanks to the Balkers below; lots of food for thot there.

  139. Hugh / Dallas TX says:

    Just wanna remark that you have a very nice website , I love the style and design it really stands out.

  140. CL380 USA says:

    Good to see a progressive site for political discussion. What will the GOP do next to dismantle Democracy, thanks to those who declined to vote.

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